Thursday, December 17, 2009

.We Rock Cause We're Made of Stone.

Well it's time for, yet again, another AP Studio Art portfolio shoot. The great thing about these adorable best friends, is that they are the most bubbly happy people I know, and yet I didn't let them smile in a single photo. It was fun to shoot them out of their comfort zone, and away from dance, which is what they live for. So...a little TMI, but hey, that's what blogs are for. Enjoy :)

Friday, December 4, 2009

All I Want For Christmas.

Ah... the joys of Christmas. The biting cold air, the smell of pine, the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping, and...wish lists. I am, as you may know, quite the wisher. All year I wish for things. Not in the covetous sort of way, but in the wishful thinking, goal setting sort of way. So Christmas/my birthday time is my favorite time of year, because I can make a ridiculous wish list, and no one can tell me I'm insane because all they really are are wishes. Usually, every year, I pick one or two insano things to wish for, that I usually never get, which is to be expected. I don't really expect my parents to get me an Audi TT or a mansion. Anywho... so this year, I have decided on my two large wishes.

Behold: The Sector 9 Mainland. I've always dreamed of having a Sector 9 board, and now the dream is returning. There is a little town in Virginia called Buena Vista that I hope to live in someday soon. And the thought of riding this beauty around the lazy streets just gives me fuzzy feelings.

Up next: A telecoustic guitar. Something of this nature. Either this or...

A black and red acoustic guitar. I go crazy over black and red guitars. And I have decided to pick up the skill. I know it is tough, but it would be a fun side project.

Well. Those are my wishes. And if wishes were fishes...i don't really know how the rest of that goes. But happy holidays! I hope you are all enjoying time to be together and remember the reason for the season! love to all.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Just Living.

Yes. The rumors are true. I did, in fact, win, the 'Worst Blogger of the Year' award. So, in order to correct this title, I have decided to start blogging again. So in no particular order, here are a few (ok many) pics of the last three months of my life.

I've worked A LOT on my AP Photography portfolio. Here's a little sample.

Laken did a cheer clinic at the school and she was a little cutie pie of course!

I took my chillins out a couple times. I don't see them so much anymore cause I'm so busy, but I love the occasional trip to the park!

Homecoming week was so fun. I went with a good friend, Taylor. Carlee and I were in the Homecoming parade. I'm on the HOSA council and Carlee was on Homecoming royalty (and won Homecoming Queen! Fun times)

Carlee and I took a weekend trip to Provo and got to stay with Niki. Love my sisters

We also went to a little family get together in Pinto (out in Pine Valley) for a couple days.

I got to take some fun family pics for some of my favorite people!

We through a masquerade party which was such a blast!

Well that wraps up the past couple months of my life. I'll try and post more often! Life's crazy! Love to all.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Here We Go...

Wow. I've been out of town since my last post. crazy life. Well this is going to be the longest post you'll ever endure. I'll break it up into five sections. Girls Camp. 4th of July. Cali Trip. East Coast Trip. UBW. And here we go...

Girls camp was so much fun. I'm Laurels President and it is the joy of my life. We had so many first years and they were all unbarably adorable. Here are a few pics from the week. . .

I got to spend the 4th of July with my snister which was priceless. My dad bought us tickets to see the JoBros at the Stadium of Fire, because he is the best. It was a great night. I love my family!

I got to go back to Cali with my best friend Carlee for a whole week. Can you say relaxing? We took some sr pics while we were in san clemente.

I got to go on the most amazing trip of my life with my dad to look at colleges on the east coast. We went to George Mason, Johns Hopkins, Yale, UVA, and SVU. I've always wanted to live in Virginia, and this was a dream come true for me. My dad is amazing. I wish I could put all 700 pics on here, but for times sake i'll only post a few. i could write for hours about it, but I won't. It was amazing. life changing. if you really want details call me and i'll talk your ear off. Here are a couple. . To see more pics of the trip, here is a link to my facebook album:

Wicked on Broadway. AMAZING. Thanks dad!

Nathan Hale, at Yale.

GW @ Independence Hall. Daddy's hero.

The Smithsonian.

The capitol. so tired.

SVU campus. LOVE IT.

The exact spot I decided I was going to live in Virginia, eight years ago.

UVA!!! Go Cavs!!

I kiss TJ.

Mt. Vernon

After a red eye flight back to Salt Lake I went straight up to Logan at USU to attend Utah Business Week. It was very intense, but very rewarding. My 'firm' took 3rd place out of 40 and my company took 2nd out of 10. It was very cool. But boy am I glad to be home :)

Jamin my CEO

Company B!

Presenting the Logo.